How To Lighten Dark Lips Naturally

 How To Lighten Dark Lips Naturally

 Dark lips are sometimes genetically inherited & most commonly found in dark-complexioned people.No shade is healthier than the others. However, sometimes the color of your lips may indicate that they need more attention. Lifestyle is a huge factor in having darker lips.

There are several factors that can cause your lips to get darker:

  • Exposure to sunlight, UV rays
  • Smoking
  • Allergies
  • Too much caffeine
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Age

These are the best natural ways to lighten your dark lips:

  1. Lemons

Lemons don't only lighten dark lips but also removes dark spots from your lips,
it works as an exfoliant to your lips & brings up a new tone to the lips.


- Squeeze a fresh lemon & massage its juice on your lips.
- Apply this remedy every night.

    2. Coconut Oil


- Mix a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon with coconut oil.
- Add 2 teaspoons of sugar to the mixture until it's a thick paste.
- Apply the paste on your lips & scrub in a circular motion.
- Rinse it off.
- Apply lip balm.

    3. Turmeric Paste

Turmeric is considered a melanin inhibitor.


- Mix a thick paste of turmeric & milk together.
- Wet your lips with water.
- Put your toothbrush in the paste.
- Apply it to your lips for 3 minutes.
- Rinse it off.
- Apply lip balm.

     4. Sugar Scrub

Sugar is viewed as an exfoliator whereas it helps in getting rid of unwanted dead cells present in your lips.
Butter helps in improving the color of your lips.


- Mix 3 spoons of sugar with 2 spoons of butter until it's a thick paste.
- Use the mixture as a scrub over your lips.
- Apply this remedy 2-3 times a week.

     5. Honey:

Honey is an amazing natural ingredient, which can be used to treat dark lips. It not only lightens your lips but also makes them soft.


- Apply honey all over your lips every day.
- Let it dry.
- Leave it overnight.
- Rinse it off in the morning.

     6. Cucumber Juice

Cucumber helps to fade pigmentation & lighten dark skin tone.


- Take a few slices of cucumber & grind them.
- Apply this paste on your lips.
- Leave it on your lips for 20 minutes.
- Rinse it off with water.
- Apply this remedy 1-2 times daily.
