
Showing posts with the label Skin

How To Lighten Dark Lips Naturally

  How To Lighten Dark Lips Naturally   Dark lips are sometimes genetically inherited & most commonly found in dark-complexioned people.No shade is healthier than the others. However, sometimes the color of your lips may indicate that they need more attention. Lifestyle is a huge factor in having darker lips. There are several factors that can cause your lips to get darker: Exposure to sunlight, UV rays Smoking Allergies Too much caffeine Hormonal Imbalance Age These are the best natural ways to lighten your dark lips:   1. Lemons Lemons don't only lighten dark lips but also removes dark spots from your lips, it works as an exfoliant to your lips & brings up a new tone to the lips. Method: - Squeeze a fresh lemon & massage its juice on your lips. - Apply this remedy every night.     2. Coconut Oil Method:  - Mix a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon with coconut oil. - Add 2 teaspoons of sugar to the mixture until it's a thick paste. - Apply the paste on your lips &

Grow Massive Eyelashes With Green Tea

Grow Massive Eyelashes With Green Tea Short and slim eyelashes might be because of innate factors however various reasons are making them drop out or getting more slender like pressure, hormonal Imbalance, dry lids, and maturing, to give some examples. Breakage of eyelashes can even be caused by using expired makeup products, rubbing makeup roughly, or diet; while diminishing of eyelashes can be a result of helpless cleanliness, ailments, etc.  Whatever the explanation is, you can depend on home solutions to develop your eyelashes back and get more full, fluttery lashes right away. Green tea is rich with antioxidant properties as it contains flavonoids & polyphenols which aids in the stimulation of the growth of new hair & maintaining the growth of the existing lashes. It also helps to cleanse the follicles & deeply repairs the eyelashes. The B-vitamins that are found in green tea helps in strengthening the follicles of the lashes. Here are ways of how you can apply it: Met

How To Boost Your Collagen Naturally

How To Boost Your Collagen Naturally -Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body which plays the largest role in the youthfulness, suppleness & stretch of the skin.  -Your body makes collagen when it combines amino acids you get from protein-rich foods. -Collagen is present in your bones, muscles, skin, organs, blood vessels & intestinal lining. -Collagen is also used for building teeth, hair, cartilage & arteries. -The top reason why you don't have enough collagen is poor diet, your body can't make collagen if it lacks the necessary elements. -Eating too much sugar & junk food damages the collagen in your body. Here are some of the foods that promote collagen naturally: Bone Broth -Bone broth is one of the most well-known sources of collagen that you can consume. -It's rich in amino acids that promote collagen production. -Bones are boiled for long periods which releases collagen into the water & it becomes gelatin then

How To Use Jojoba Oil For Acne

How To Use Jojoba Oil For Acne Jojoba oil is a liquid wax obtained by cold pressing jojoba seeds. It has vitamins, minerals & additional properties that help clear up skin conditions leaving your face replenished & smooth. The waxy substance in jojoba oil : -Repairs damaged skin which means it helps to speed up the wound healing including acne lesions & facilitates collagen synthesis. -Reduces skin inflammation which means it reduces redness & swelling around the pimples & whiteheads. -Helps the skin to absorb other substances better when used alongside them which means it's the perfect carrier oil for oily skin. -It's fantastic in clearing up infections, it's not only anti-inflammatory but also antibacterial which means that it will not only reduce the redness (hyperpigmentation) of your skin but it will clear out any residues in it, the bacteria that causes acne. -It signals your skin to balance itself by regulating the amount of

Top Home Remedies For Wrinkles

Top Home Remedies For Wrinkles Wrinkles look like folds in the skin, they happen as a result of lack of moisture. Nowadays, they happen to younger age people due to modern lifestyle habits as stress, smoking, lack of sleep & pollution. The natural aging process causes wrinkles to develop, it usually develops between the ages of 40 and 50 as the skin gets drier, thinner, less elastic & less able to repair itself. We usually see wrinkles on the face, hands & neck. You might want to try some home remedies to help you get rid of wrinkles: 1- Raw Honey        How to Apply:    - Apply raw honey on your skin    - Massage for a minute    - Leave it for 30 minutes    - Rinse with lukewarm water   2- Aloe Vera         Aloe vera is a perfect anti-aging remedy that can repair the damaged skin cells &  protect them.     How to Apply:   -  Extract some gel from the leaf itself   -  Apply the gel on your skin   -  Wait for 15 minutes till it dries

Japanese Secret Mask To Look 10 Years Younger

Japanese Secret Masks To Look 10 Years Younger Rice, Honey & Milk Mask: This rice mask is one of the most sustaining face masks. It revives the skin, lights it up, and gives it a glow. It is my top choice and I make it constantly, to rapidly make my skin smooth,  and radiant.  It has a miraculous effect when it comes to skin rejuvenation by improving the blood supply & stimulating cell growth.  The B vitamins in rice grow new cells & slow down the aging process. The lactic acid in milk is used to exfoliate the skin, lighten dark spots & improve the quality of fine lines & wrinkles. Honey is full of antioxidants that slow down aging & it's extremely moisturizing to add some glow to your skin.   You will need : Add 3 Tablespoons of cooked rice or rice flour To 3 Tablespoons of warm milk With 1 Tablespoon of Honey  Mix the ingredients together until it becomes a soft paste texture Apply this mask on a clean face for 30 minutes Repeat once per week for be