How To Use Jojoba Oil For Acne

How To Use Jojoba Oil For Acne

Jojoba oil is a liquid wax obtained by cold pressing jojoba seeds.
It has vitamins, minerals & additional properties that help clear up skin conditions leaving your face replenished & smooth.
The waxy substance in jojoba oil :
-Repairs damaged skin which means it helps to speed up the wound healing including acne lesions & facilitates collagen synthesis.
-Reduces skin inflammation which means it reduces redness & swelling around the pimples & whiteheads.
-Helps the skin to absorb other substances better when used alongside them which means it's the perfect carrier oil for oily skin.
-It's fantastic in clearing up infections, it's not only anti-inflammatory but also antibacterial which means that it will not only reduce the redness (hyperpigmentation) of your skin but it will clear out any residues in it, the bacteria that causes acne.
-It signals your skin to balance itself by regulating the amount of sebum your skin produces.

How to use

Method 1:

Mix jojoba essential oil with your regular face cream or clay mask & apply it on acne.

Method 2:

Put a few drops of jojoba oil on a cotton pad & rub gently over acne daily.

Method 3:

Mix jojoba oil with aloe vera gel & use it as a moisturizer on your face daily.
