
Showing posts with the label Hair

Grow Massive Eyelashes With Green Tea

Grow Massive Eyelashes With Green Tea Short and slim eyelashes might be because of innate factors however various reasons are making them drop out or getting more slender like pressure, hormonal Imbalance, dry lids, and maturing, to give some examples. Breakage of eyelashes can even be caused by using expired makeup products, rubbing makeup roughly, or diet; while diminishing of eyelashes can be a result of helpless cleanliness, ailments, etc.  Whatever the explanation is, you can depend on home solutions to develop your eyelashes back and get more full, fluttery lashes right away. Green tea is rich with antioxidant properties as it contains flavonoids & polyphenols which aids in the stimulation of the growth of new hair & maintaining the growth of the existing lashes. It also helps to cleanse the follicles & deeply repairs the eyelashes. The B-vitamins that are found in green tea helps in strengthening the follicles of the lashes. Here are ways of how you can apply it: Met

Dye Your Hair Golden Blonde With Turmeric

D ye Your Hair Golden Blonde With Turmeric Some people favor coloring their gray strands while others change their natural color for fun. Hair salons offer a range of colors and options, or you should buy do-it-yourself dye kits at the shop. If you're trying to find a less costly and more natural method, you'll make your own hair coloring from a spice like a turmeric and apply it yourself. Hair dyes made up of turmeric will turn your hair golden blonde and work best on lighter hair. Turmeric makes an inexpensive alternative to saffron for coloring and flavoring your food. It also makes a fairly effective yellow dye to create blonde or brown hair more golden. Of course, it isn’t bleach; so if your hair isn’t already pale, turmeric probably won’t have much effect. It might add a spot of richness to red shades, but anybody who has dark brown or black hair would be happier experimenting with henna, coffee, or walnuts. If you are looking for a less damaging & more natural method

Top Home Remedies For Dandruff

Top Home Remedies For Dandruff  - Dandruff is a skin condition that affects the scalp,it looks like dry flaky skin on the scalp.  -Dermatologists refer to dandruff as seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis.  -Skin cells that grow & die off fast are the problem.  -Your skin continually replaces itself & old cells are pushed outwards when they die & flake off, usually, these flakes are unnoticeable.  -In the case of dandruff, skin cells begin to replace more rapidly than the normal cycle, therefore the skin sheds in oily, larger clumps that become visible. Here are some home remedies that might help to get rid of dandruff: 1- Salt Scrub: Method:  -Sprinkle some salt directly on your dry or slightly damp scalp. -Massage for 2-3 minutes. -Shampoo & condition your hair as usual.  -This scrub will exfoliate dead skin cells off your scalp. 2- Apple Cider Vinegar: Method: -Dilute the vinegar with equal parts of water. -Apply on your scalp

Secrets Of Rice Water For Hair & Skin

Secrets Of Rice Water For Hair & Skin Rice water for hair Rice water contains an ingredient called Inositol that is able to penetrate the damaged hair from the inside out & strengthen the hair. Rice water has anti-oxidizing, moisturizing & healing properties. It's rich in antioxidants, minerals, vitamin B & vitamin E. It contains a type of yeast substance that is anti-aging & promotes cell regeneration. It balances the PH levels of the hair & nourishes the hair follicles.   It boosts hair growth by reducing the surface friction & hair elasticity which stops hair breakage & hair fall. It has high protein which helps remove split ends & treat frizzy hair. It has amino acids that fill in the gaps in the damaged hair making them healthy. It enhances the texture making the hair stronger, smoother & healthier. It destroys Malassezia, a yeast responsible for dandruff, killing the yeast helps the hair to grow healthier & thicker.

Home Remedies For Dry Hair

Home Remedies For Dry Hair Dry hair does not absorb enough moisture to keep its texture & brightness, it may also be brittle & fragile. By keeping your hair hydrated, it will look shinier, healthier & look softer.  Reasons that may be the cause of dry hair: Sun exposure Nutritional deficiencies Chlorinated water Harsh hair styling products Other medical causes like hypothyroidism These are some home tricks that will help soften your hair leaving it healthy:    Avocado   How to use:    - Mash a ripe Avocado    - Apply it on wet hair    - Leave it on your hair for 20 minutes    - Repeat once a week    Fenugreek Seeds    How to use:   - Soak a handful of the seeds in water overnight   - Take the softened seeds & grind them into a paste   - Apply the paste on the scalp & hair for 30 minutes   - Shampoo & wash with cool water    Mayonnaise     How to use:    - Take 1/2 a cup of mayonnaise     - Apply it to your hair